Anda akan dapat strategi video yang betul-betul sesuai dengan bisnes anda, buat content lebih relevan dan tarik minat pelanggan yang tepat.
Anda akan dibimbing dari A sampai Z – dari idea hingga shooting. Lepas ni, lebih yakin buat video yang menarik dan berkualiti.
Jimat masa dengan template video yang memang dah terbukti berkesan, sambil pastikan setiap video mampu tarik perhatian dan tingkatkan jualan.
Proses buat video jadi lebih cepat, jadi anda boleh consistently post tanpa ambil masa lama untuk setiap video.
Dapat feedback detail untuk video lama, tahu kat mana nak improve dan cara tarik lebih banyak engagement dari audience.
Anda akan tahu apa yang berkesan dan apa yang perlu diperbaiki dalam content anda yang sedia ada, untuk dapatkan hasil yang targeted.
1st Session
⚡️ On-board Meeting
⚡️ Social Media Fundamentals
⚡️ TikTok Guideline
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
2nd Session
⚡️ Enhance Content Creation Workflow
⚡️ Recap Soc. Med. Fundamentals
⚡️ Review Social Media Posting
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
3rd Session
⚡️ Shooting & Basic Camera Angle
⚡️ Recap Content Workflow
⚡️ Review Social Media Posting
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
4th Session
⚡️ Content Creation Refinement
⚡️ Recap All Of The Session
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
⚡️ Content Creator Guideline
⚡️ Discussion or FAQ
5th Session
⚡️ Monitor Progress
6th Session
⚡️ Monitor Progress
1st Session
⚡️ On-board Meeting
⚡️ Social Media Fundamentals
⚡️ TikTok Guideline
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
2nd Session
⚡️ Shooting & Basic Camera Angle
⚡️ Recap Soc. Med. Fundamentals
⚡️ Review Social Media Posting
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
3rd Session
⚡️ Enhance Content Creation
⚡️ Recap Basic Camera Study
⚡️ Review Social Media Posting
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
4th Session
⚡️ Content Creation Refinement
⚡️ Recap All Of The Session
⚡️ 2-weeks Content Ideation
⚡️ Content Creator Guideline
⚡️ Discussion or FAQ
5th Session
⚡️ Monitor Progress
6th Session
⚡️ Monitor Progress
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Terms & Conditions: All videos can be viewed in our private YouTube Playlist. Please check your email once you made your payment.
Privacy Policy: We use Google AdWords Remarketing, Facebook Ads Remarketing & TikTok Ads Remarketing to advertise this website across the Internet. All Ads Remarketing will display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of this website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. This cookie does not in anyway identify you or give access to your computer. The cookie is used to say “This person visited this page, so show them ads relating to that page.” Ads Remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you. If you do not wish to participate in our Ads Remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Ads Preferences Manager.
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